Robbery Fail!

November 6, 2020


This is something that happened back in 2016. I’m not sure why it was never published… The day after my Step-Dad passed away at Stanford University Hospital, I started my day with a nice run in a not so pleasant area of San Francisco. I got up early and headed down to the lobby, where […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

An Update…

January 24, 2018


It was all the way back in Oct. 2013 since I last made a post in JimBobWay’s Blog. A lot has happened since then, both good and not so good. Time has spiraled out of control as if the the bottom of the hourglass were actually a vacuum. I guess the first thing that I […]

A Tale Of Two Blogs

October 1, 2013


The Tale Of Two Blogs, actually begins with a tale of two little girls about five months different in age. Two beautiful little girls from totally different backgrounds, with no connection to one  another.  One’s innocence has been selfishly taken away by her father. The other’s daddy would sacrifice his own life to protect the […]

A Threat Of Justice…

October 1, 2013


It’s been forever since I have written anything on my Blog. My frustration with what has transpired in our (Jennifer has been right along side me, supporting me this whole time) battle to get reasonable visitation with my children, has almost completely stripped me of my will and desire to write. I know that it’s […]

No Justice In Our Family Courts!

January 1, 2013


Several months ago, I set up a supervised visit with my daughters for Fri. Oct. 12th At the Kenai Peninsula Community Care Center in Kenai, Alaska.  I had emailed Chelsea (my ex-wife), at least three times prior to the scheduled visit to inform her of the date and time.  The day before the visit, I […]

We Need More Gun Control! (NOT)

December 15, 2012


In the last several months, there have been several mass shootings across our nation.  From Aurora, Co. to Portland, Or. to Connecticut.  In each one of them, innocent lives were selfishly taken by twisted individuals, with no respect for life.  With each new act of violence involving a gun, there is a renewed push to […]

Posted in: Gun Control

It’s The Gun’s Fault! (Bullshit!)

December 12, 2012


Jennifer may not share my opinion on this topic… What happened today at the Clackamas Town Center was a tragedy.  Two people were murdered, another wounded.  They were selfishly gunned down while they were Christmas shopping, before the shooter turned the gun on himself.  Thank God he didn’t live, because then the hardworking tax payers […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

A Father and Son Reunited

October 13, 2012


May 6, 2012, was a turning point.  May 6th was a Sunday.  I was sitting at home, somewhat depressed as I was consumed with a negative thought process.  I couldn’t get it out of my head, that with each passing day, I was another day closer to leaving Jennifer and heading back to Alaska.  As […]

This is somethi…

June 18, 2012


This is something that I wrote back in January or February, while I was workIng in Angoon, Alaska.  I often write my thoughts somewhere and forget about them, only to find them later.  Themore time that I am fortunate enough to spend with Jen, the harder it is on me, to be separatedSao often. Here […]

Posted in: Uncategorized

My Uncle Ron…

June 17, 2012


I was never fortunate enough to have a brother.  I never had an older brother to look up to, to teach me how to be good with the ladies.  I never knew what it was like to have a little brother look up to me, or pester me.  There was a time that I was […]

Posted in: Family